The vision of International Poultry Breeders is to have a strategic foothold within the United States and to take advantage of opportunities within our core competencies to increase the stability of the company and increase shareholder value. We strive to be a trusted and vital member of the egg production industry by connecting with our customers and providing them with a knowledgeable and reliable partner.
Our Operations
Our pullet and breeder operations consist of the most advanced black-out pullet and production houses available on the market today. Over the years IPB has realized the value of investing in the best quality equipment to achieve the most profitable results. In addition, our management teams are split up specifically between pullet and breeder as we make an effort to ensure that the team is specifically focused on their area of expertise. The knowledge and experience shared between our parent company and ourselves has improved our husbandry management. At IPB, our belief is that a good pullet gives you a good breeder and a good breeder gives you a great egg.
The company operates on a four (4) week replacement cycle to allow for adequate clean up, disinfection and repairs to facilities before receiving flocks. Hatching eggs are collected, cleaned, graded and cooled to the optimal temperature and then boxed in 30-dozen cartons, palletized and transferred to our main cooling facility. Thereafter, they are loaded on an already cooled refrigerated container also set at a specified shipping temperature and transported to the Port of Miami, where they are then shipped to customers as far as Guyana and as close as Jamaica.
For more information on the types of breeds offered, please contact our representative below:
Maria Miranda
Chris Sandine